Hard-working turned well-known artist, Flo, has paid many dues in the secular industry to make it to what others may see as a secure place, namely her friend of many years and successful nightclub owner, Syeed. Not to mention, her agent Omar, who sings his own praises and consequently has been right by Flo’s side to help them or “himself” reach this pinnacle of success. As a result, they all are now enjoying the finer things in life and he has no intention to change. Omar’s claim to fame hinges on the fact that he has helped Flo establish a solid singing career and fan base with an even more promising future on the horizon, but what will it cost all of them in the end, and will Omar’s dark and dirty deeds finally surface? As Flo senses a time for a change, she is torn between remaining on the broad path of sin to hell or fleeing to the narrow path of righteousness to heaven. Totally against Syeed’s and Omar’s wishes, Flo decides to take a new direction which leads her to the narrow path, only to find a whole new world of fake and rejection. Will this send her spiraling back or will she continue on this course that’s been eating at her soul for some time? Even so, did she make the decision to take on this new direction too little too late?